When you're just starting out in bodybuilding or fitness, you might wonder, "Which steroid should I use first?" It's a common question as you navigate the world of enhancing your training. Many athletes use steroids to boost their performance, but it's crucial to understand which ones are best, especially if you're new to this.




Before you start taking steroids, it's important to make sure you're healthy. Get a thorough check-up, including hormone and blood tests, to know where you stand. It will be useful for you to read our previous post - PRE-CYCLE ANALYSIS: ENSURING SAFE STEROIDS USAGE.


When you're ready to start using steroids, start small. Taking a little bit at first is safer than taking a lot all at once. And don't expect instant results from mega doses—they can actually cause more harm than good.


Before you buy steroids online, make sure you have everything you need to support your body. This includes medications and therapies to help you recover after your steroid cycle. Do your research and ask experts for advice to make sure you're prepared.




In a world where there are many different steroids to choose from, it's important to know about the risks and benefits of each one. Beginners should keep these tips in mind:

  • No steroid is completely safe. The stronger the steroid, the more likely it is to cause side effects.
  • Combining two steroids can increase the benefits while reducing the risks. It is reccomended to buy anabolic testosterone and the second one, Turinabol, Oxymetalone, Oxandrolone, Masteron or Nandrolone.
  • Short-acting steroids are easier to manage and come with fewer side effects. The length of the ester determines the length of the cycle of taking and the timing of the start of PKT.
  • Some steroids are less harmful to your liver.
  • Make sure you know how to inject steroids properly.
  • If you're taking oral steroids, pair them with Testosterone propionate for better results, because both substances are characterized by a short period of action.
  • Administer aromatase inhibitors in cases of aromatization - Anastrozole, Aromasin, Letrozole.
  • Include Gonadotropin chorionic for cycles exceeding 8 weeks.
  • In case you use high-androgenic agents, don't administer it longer than 12-16 weeks.
  • Clomiphene citrate is the most suitable for PCT.
  • Post-cycle break should be equal to or longer than the cycle duration, along with post-cycle thearapy.
  • Keep track of your health by getting regular check-ups and tests.


Before you start taking steroids, make sure it's safe for you. Some medical conditions, like heart problems or high blood pressure, mean you shouldn't use steroids. And women should be especially careful because steroids can cause masculine effects.




If you're new to steroids, some options are better suited for beginners:

Oxandrolone, Turinabol, and Oxymetholone are good choices for oral steroids;

Testosterone and Primobolan - for injectable steroids.


Starting a steroid cycle requires careful planning and guidance from experts. You are welcome to contact our expert for consultation: [email protected]. With the right information and support, you can use steroids safely and effectively on your fitness journey.

comments (1)

    • Alex
    • 2024-06-03 13:52:18
    Thanks to the Trustedlab team,I am completely new to the gym and all info is very helpful. Especially, a big thank you to Liam, who guided me through my first cycle, real expert

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